We can all make a difference.

If we choose to.

Conservation and Photojournalism.

Annie has photographed incredibly rewarding and fulfilling moments. Unfortunately she has also captured some heartbreaking discoveries. 

Some people may find the below imagery distressing or uncomfortable to view. Please scroll with caution.



THIS page is full of information, facts, figures and advice. Please take a few minutes to read it in its entirety.

Research and Conservation.

saving+the+blue+-+tiger+shark+-+lemon+shark+-+silky+shark+-sawfish+-+smalltooth+sawfish+-++annie+guttridge+-+dr+tristan+guttridge+-+silky+sharks+-+shark+-shark+-+shark+research+-+science+-+marine+biology+-+hammerhead+-+great+hammerhead (2).jpeg

In focus

: Silky Shark Research

Silky sharks’ pelagic, social nature and tendency to associate with and feed on tuna exposes them to intensive commercial fishing practices such as purse seine and pelagic longline fisheries.

To view Annie’s research gallery please click here.

To learn more about Annie’s research efforts please visit: www.savingtheblue.org

Outreach, Education and Ecotourism.

Annie Guttridge - Dr Tristan Guttridge - Saving the Blue - Silent Hunter Group - Sharks - Shark - Hammerhead - The Bahamas - Andros - Shark Diving - Underwater Photography - Photographer - Eco Tourism - Lemon Shark - Hammerhead

In focus: Preschool Presentation

Introducing young children, age two to seven, to the marine world, though photography, videography, scientific equipment, and novel, fun objects.

To learn more about Annie’s outreach efforts please visit: www.savingtheblue.org